Blog posts


Reverse SSH

8 minute read


Corona virus is back again. And, yes… back to working remotely. During the previous WFH(work from home) session, i didn’t have much problem as i was building a pyqt application coupled with some mongodb functions. I didn’t really need the remote access to the office PC.

Password Management Tool

13 minute read


Internet Security breaches has been a common topic over the past decades, it’s no longer a foreign topic to many. Maybe you have gotten your account hacked before, or maybe one of your passwords has been compromised. Hopefully, you practiced a rather secure method of NOT reusing your password for all your other applications.

Reverse SSH Tunneling via tmate?

4 minute read


Have you been in situations where you require access to a remote PC but PC is located within some private network that has firewall and multiple layers of security protecting it?

Ortholinear Keyboard with QMK

4 minute read


So, recently i was intrigued by ortholinear keyboards and the hype around it. The idea was simple: having keys laid out in a grid based layout, your fingers would not need to move as much compared to a traditional staggered layout. This, combined with the power of QMK firmware, the limit is endless…. or so to speak. QMK allows the user to configure the keyboard however the user sees fit.


Color Distance Intro

2 minute read


While human beings are able to easily differentiate basic colors such as red, green, blue, and etc., this gets harder when the colors are mixed up. You have probably seen the following picture on the internet:

SSH - with GUI?

2 minute read


Have you ever been in a situation where all you’ve got is an SSH connection to a remote client, and the access to terminal by itself isn’t gonna cut?

Site Launch!

1 minute read


I’ve been wanting to start a site for a while… Since i’m in the midst of searching for job, i thought i could update my CV, and even launch a simple site to document some of the things i’ve learned and just create a simple portfolio in general.